Sunday, February 25, 2007

Suicide, homicide and the Family Court system

2. Suicide, Homicide and the Family Court system and Child Support Agency in Australia

Male suicide rates in Australia each year.
Male suicide rates with a link to family separation each year.
Of these (2.) male suicide rates where the Family Court process was seen as a major factor in suicide each year.
Of these (2.) male suicide rates where the Child Support Agency was seen as a major factor in suicide each year.
Female suicide rates in Australia each year.
Female suicide rates with a link to family separation each year.
Of these (5.) female suicide rates where the Family Court process was seen as a major factor in suicide each year.
Of these (5.) female suicide rates where the Child Support Agency was seen as a major factor in suicide each year.

To date we know of only one small survey which has tried to gauge the extent of a link between male suicide and we are attempting to obtain results of this study. Considering the increasing rates of male suicide and the resolution of the National Forum on Men and Suicide in Sydney 02 May 2006 to stamp out male suicide by 2030 (The Australian, 04 May 2006 “Bid to stamp out male suicide by 2030” source AAP,20867,19014598-29277,00.html ) one would think that a study to gauge the relative importance of family separation and the influence of the Family Court system and the Child Support Agency in suicide rates (and homicide rates) would be a priority.

Male and Female Suicides in Australia
Note – these statistics have been estimated from a graph so they are accurate +/- 20.

Male % Female % Total
1994 1800 80.0 450 20.0 2250
1995 1875 79.3 490 20.7 2365
1996 1950 80.9 460 19.1 2410
1997 2120 77.9 600 22.1 2720
1998 2125 79.4 550 20.6 2675
1999 2000 80.2 495 19.8 2495
2000 1875 78.9 500 21.1 2375
2001 1950 79.3 510 20.7 2460
2002 1775 78.0 500 22.0 2275
2003 1750 78.0 495 22.0 2245
2004 1650 78.6 450 21.4 2100

Australian Bureau of Statistics
3309.0 - Suicides, Australia, 1994 to 2004
Latest ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 14/03/2006!OpenDocument

The trend in suicide for both men and women is decreasing since a peak in the late nineties. Between 4-5 men suicide each day on average in Australia. It is difficult to imagine how many suicides have the Family Court system and/or the Child Support Agency as a significant factor. It could be as high as one suicide per day, or even higher.

Homicide rates in Australia each year.
Of these (1.) the number with a link to family separation.
Of these (2.) the total for males.
Of these (3.) the number with a causal link to the Family Court system.
Of these (3.) the number with a causal link to the Child Support Agency.
Of these (2.) the total for females.
Of these (6.) the number with a causal link to the Family Court system.
Of these (6.) the number with a causal link to the Child Support Agency.

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